
Fun Facts


Pots and Pans

Why does a person seek a patent? While there are many reasons, in basic terms – “I have an idea that will improve life, make life easier or help mankind”. As we continue to celebrate Better Breakfast Month here at Behmke Innovation Group, let’s have a look at a kitchen item that has been used since long before the registering of patents began, but continues to improve and evolve - cookware. Envision a pioneer family: Ma getting up early to start making biscuits and frying up bacon. A cast-iron pan was a staple in her kitchen. She’d make sure everything was ready before the cows were milked and chickens fed. Moms in the 1950s were thrilled when an electric frypan became readily available making it easier to cook a couple of eggs along with frying the bacon – and not even using the stovetop. And Morris R. Jeppson took convenience one step further when he patented a process for cooking bacon with microwave energy. His invention paved the way for producing pre-cooked bacon and inspired innovators for many years to create a “bacon cooker” that provides crispy bacon in a minute or two – but as delicious? A debate for another day.

Photo by Becca Tapert via Unsplash

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