
Fun Facts


Oatmeal Day

As the mornings have turned colder, now is the perfect time to make yourself a bowl of oatmeal to help warm you up for the day.  In June 1921, Jesse D. Bourdeau and William B. Fink (assignors to the Quaker Oats Company), patented their “Food Product” (US Pat. No. 1,381,858) which “quickly” became known as Quick-Cooking Oats.  Pour some bowling water over the oats, add some cinnamon and sugar (or your topping of choice) and you have a healthy, hot breakfast.  For those who prefer their oatmeal cold, there are hundreds of recipes available for Overnight Oatmeal that don’t require hot water.  Check out Pinterest for overnight oatmeal ideas.  But wait – oatmeal doesn’t only make a delicious breakfast food!  Oatmeal is commonly used in soaps and bath soaks, and even facial care.  And let’s not forget cookies!  Is your favorite oatmeal cookies made with or without raisins (or should they have some chocolate chips in them)?  Celebrate National Oatmeal Day with us!

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