
Fun Facts


January 5 -National Bird Day

January 5 -National Bird Day

When John Hasselkus patented his Prismatic Binocular Glasses in October 1900 (US Pat. No. 659,526), ornithologists all around the world celebrated being able to peruse the sky in search of unique birds. Field glasses have grown smaller, and more powerful over the years, making them easier to carry on hikes and bird watching expeditions. Take a minute today to look to the skies in search of a beautiful bird in honor of National Bird Day. Filling a feeder in your yard is a great way to draw them in for viewing during the cold winter months! Let us know what bird you saw today in the comments below! #nationalbirdday #feedthebirds #bigiplaw #patentfunfacts #birdwatching

US7735453 Bird Feeder.jpg