
Fun Facts


Black History Month

Black History Month – Post at any time during February

While George Washington Carver is widely known for his promotion of peanuts and development of well over 300 products using peanuts, he only held two patents in his lifetime. His first patent did indeed utilize peanuts but not as a food product. US Pat. No. 1,522,176 was issued for “Cosmetic and Process of Producing the Same” – a “vanishing cream” made from peanuts. Carver published his “How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing It for Human Consumption” in 1916.


But did George Washington Carver invent peanut butter? Peanut butter paste first appeared in a US Patent in 1894. Marcellus G. Edson patented his “Manufacture of Peanut-Candy” (US Pat. No. 306,727).

But it was John Harvey Kellogg who patented the process for creating peanut butter from raw peanuts in 1986 (US Pat No. 604,493). #blackhistorymonth #peanuts #georgewashingtoncarver #patentfunfacts